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The Case of The Mystery Weekend 

Pat and George, while navigating through a severe thunderstorm, take a wrong turn and end up embroiled in a perilous real-life mystery.


TV Shows 

Square One Television

Mathnet is part of a thirty-minute  daily series called Square one Television.   Square One Television was developed by the  late great Jim Thurman and David D. Cornell.   Square One Television main goal was to combated a somewhat worrying “Math Crisis” that was growing in the public schools at the time ( taken from Wikipedia).   The series ran for five seasons from 1986- 1994 on PBS .  The format of Square One Television was similar to another series that aired around that time a science show called 3-2-1 contact.   But, it was also different , by mimicking what you would find on a regular network.  The first half was a sketch show/game show/cartoon series./MTV style videos that was all geared toward Math.  This portion starred the talented Reg. E. Cathey, Beverly Mickins, Arthur Howard, Larry Ceder, Lusia Leschin, Cynthia Darlow  and Cris Franco.



Mathnet is a pastiche of Dragnet, in which the main characters are mathematicians who use their mathematical skills to solve various crimes and mysteries in the city, usually thefts, burglaries, frauds, and kidnappings. Each segment of the series aired on one episode of Square One, a production of the Children's Television Workshop (CTW) aimed at teaching math skills to young viewers. Five segments made up an episode (one for each weekday), with suspense building at the end of each segment.

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